Photos by Laura Nolan
Outfit Details:
Forever 21 Fedora Hat (Similar here)
CottonOn Tank
CottonOn Chiffon Blouse
H&M Jeans
H&M Strappy Sandals
Crocheted Tote (Handmade by my Grandmother)
I’m super excited to share with you my last few pictures from my trip to San Diego. I was so happy to get to spend some much needed time with my best friend, and to just get out of Los Angeles for the weekend. Looking through these pictures gives me the opportunity to kind of relive our time together.
Browsing through these pictures is also fun because I’m wearing a hat that I bought about two weeks ago, when I was going through my extreme moody phase. On a particularly bad day, I decided to put it on and was surprised of how it instantly boosted my mood. It’s really funny how something so simple like putting on something that you like, drinking a cup of coffee or doing something that you enjoy, can positively impact the way that you feel. Some of my coworkers and I even talked about how it would be fun to have a hat day at work in order to have a fun activity to break up the week.

Enough about hats, and let’s get back to my trip to San Diego. Since none of my weekend trips are complete without a trip to a local coffee shop, Laura was kind enough to drive me to La Jolla so that we could visit Bird Rock Coffee Roasters. I absolutely loved it! The staff was super cool and friendly, and the barista that took our order even took the time to give us suggestions of where to go to brunch in the area. I also thought that it was kind of funny that they had drinks named the “Trophy Wife” and “Sugar Daddy” (even though part of me wanted to ask why they didn’t have drinks named “Sugar Momma” and “Trophy Husband” as well). Most importantly, Bird Rock Coffee Roasters had delicious coffee, which is why we visited in the first place. So, I’ll definitely be going back next time that I’m in the area.

While we were in La Jolla, we also stopped by the Ellen Browning Scripps Park, which overlooks the ocean. I wish that we would have gotten to spend more time at the park, but it was packed because there was a half marathon race scheduled that morning. Despite the crowd, it was still a beautiful and surprisingly peaceful place to visit.
That’s it for my pictures of San Diego. My next stop to visit friends is Portland in about two months. Laura and I are flying out to visit our friends Kelsey and Candace, two of my most wonderful friends and partners in crime. Candace and Kelsey totally embody what I think is the spirit of Portland–the two of them are highly creative individuals who are friendly, laid back and share my love of coffee. I had the opportunity to catch up with the two of them last week, and they seem to be working on an itinerary for when Laura and I arrive. I was excited to hear from Kelsey and Candace, that drinking tons of coffee and berry picking are currently on their list of things to do.
Thanks so much for reading my blog, and giving me the opportunity to share my adventures with you.
Much Love,
Helen Grace