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    Royal Blue

    Photos by Ale Veyna
    Outfit Details:
    Maison Jules Dress (Similar)
    H&M Sandals
    Madewell Bag
    I must start off this post by confessing that I broke my 6-month shopping ban. My mother convinced me to go window shopping with her, and I fell in love with this royal blue dress. Even though my mother offered to buy it for me as a very early Christmas present in order to prevent me from breaking my ban, I still went ahead and purchased a couple of other items anyway. I’ve come to realize that I really don’t spend that much money on myself, and it’s okay to treat myself every once in a while as long as I’m not making any mindless purchases. Well, there my confession for you all. Now you know that my willpower can only last for a couple of weeks.
    I really don’t have many life updates at this moment, other than I had to go back to work last week and that’s been a bit of a transition, especially after such a relaxing and productive vacation. I spent most of my time this weekend studying, cleaning and working on my blog, so it wasn’t the most exciting. As uneventful as it was, this weekend has made me realize that in order to maintain some balance in my life, I’m going to have to back off a bit from blogging and other activities that I use to procrastinate. I really need to set aside some of that time to concentrate on studying for the GRE for the next month, as well as to start working on grad school applications. I’ve been trying to post 3 times a week, and that’s just way too much for me. After all, I did start blogging in order to have a creative outlet, and not to have another source of stress in my life. I also want to make sure that I put in a good amount of effort to whatever I do post on my blog.
    I also have to admit that one of the reasons that I want to lay off blogging is because I’m concerned about how much time I spend on social media. I feel that blogging has in a way made me become more obsessed with social media, and made me feel the pressure to put things out there. Athough I’m not looking to completely quit using social media outlets, I would like to learn not to walk around with my phone in hand, while looking for the next thing to post on Instagram. Of course, that’s easier said than done, and we all know how successful my shopping ban was.
    This might be a weird place to ask this, but do any of you have any tricks on how to decrease your social media use? I could really use all of your advice.

    What A Steal!

    Photos by Ale Veyna

    Outfit Details:
    H&M Dress (Old)
    Forever 21 Clutch (Old)
    Seychelles Pumps (Old)
    This dress from H&M is one of the purchases that I’m most proud of. I bought it while I was studying abroad in Spain for about 5 euros, which is about $7. Black was very trendy during the winter months that I was in Spain, and I’m sure that the reason that this dress was on sale was because most people were turned off by the bold and colorful floral print. I, however, fell in love with this dress for that very reason, and was more than thrilled to get it for such a steal. Brown and black are great colors for fall and winter, but I also think that there’s no reason to be afraid to experiment with a little bit of color during these seasons. Even though I’m kind of saddened by the fact that not everybody shares my love for wearing colorful floral prints during the cooler months, I’m really glad that it led to me getting a great deal on this dress



    I wanted to take this post as an opportunity to share a couple of facts about myself, since I realize that those who don’t know me in person only get tiny bits and pieces about my life on this blog. Another reason why I’m sharing these facts is because Katherine, from the lovely blog Wander Hour, nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award. In order to accept the award, I’m required to list 7 facts about myself.  Doing this activity was very fun, and I’m so honored that Katherine nominated me for the award. If you haven’t checked out Katherine’s blog, you definitely should. She has a great sense of style, and is also an amazing photographer.
    7 Facts About Myself
    1. I didn’t really learn how to speak and read in English until I was 6-years-old, and in the first grade. I don’t remember having any trouble learning the language, and it’s probably because I had always watched English-language television and listened to family members speak to each other in English. But until this point in my life, I only knew how to speak and read in Spanish.
    2. I attended Scripps College, a small women’s college in Claremont, CA, and it was one of the best decisions of my life. I’ve always had very feminist ideals, but I always felt that I was never in an environment where I felt safe and comfortable enough to express them. Scripps really changed that for me, because it finally gave me the opportunity to be in a space where female empowerment was really encouraged. I met some of my best friends and learned so much about myself while I was there.
    3. I was named after a small chocolate company called Helen Grace Chocolates. My mother couldn’t decide whether to name me Helen-the Greek form of her middle name Elena-or Grace, after my Grandma Graciela. She got the idea to combine the names after looking at a Helen Grace chocolate bar.  I, of course, did not realize this until I was about 5 and somebody was selling Helen Grace chocolate bars to fundraise money for a family member’s little league team. I was initially really excited to see my name printed on a chocolate bar, since I don’t think I completely understood what was going on at that time. However, it did lead to me slightly getting made fun of in high school.
    4. I started running about 3 years ago, and it quickly became one of my favorite activities. I used to hate running because I expected myself to immediately be able to run 6 miles, and felt weak and defeated when I wasn’t able to do so. When I graduated from college, I had a couple of coworkers who were really into running, and they encouraged me to pick up the sport. This time around, I went in with a different attitude, and decided to take it slow. My patience and hard work paid off, and I was able to run my first half-marathon 8 months later. Running has become one of my favorite activities because it has taught me to appreciate and really care for my body, and also serves as a way for me to relieve stress at the end of the day.
    5. I would describe myself as an introvert with an outgoing personality. I get anxious whenever I have too much alone time. Oddly enough, even though I crave being around people, I’m also really shy and don’t always have the energy to be sociable. I think the reason that I really love hanging around coffee shops is because it gives me an opportunity to hang out around other people, without having to actually interact with them. If you want to learn more about what it’s like to be introverted and have an outgoing personality at the same time, you can check out this article here.
    6. Coffee is my favorite beverage. I don’t really know much about coffee, but I really enjoy the taste of it. One of my favorite pastimes is exploring new coffee shops with friends, and there have been days when I’ve only had coffee and pastries for every meal of the day. I can’t say that is the healthiest diet, but it sure is yummy!
    7.  I love traveling and, although I have been fortunate enough to do my fair share of it, I wish I could do more. While I was studying abroad in Spain, I was able to travel to 6 countries, and more than 10 cities. I definitely want to make my way over back to Europe, so that I can visit more countries there. I also want to explore South America and, in the near future, I want to make a trip to Mexico so that I can visit my Dad’s side of the family.
    I hope you enjoyed learning a couple of things about me. I’m not completely following the rules of the One Lovely Blog Award, and tagging other bloggers. That’s only because it’s too hard for me to just pick out a couple of bloggers whose blogs I really enjoy. However, if you want to go ahead and tag yourself, you can check out the complete set of rules on Katherine’s blog. Definitely let me know if you do decide to share a couple of facts about yourself on your blog. I’d love to learn more about you!
    Helen Grace

    Cleaning Up The Clutter

    Photos by Sarah Veyna
    Outfit Details:
    Forever 21 Round Sunglasses (Not Available Online)
    H&M Striped Tee (Old)
    Cropped Paper Bag Trousers (Old)
    Madewell Loafers (Similar)
    Madewell Leather Bag
    (Click on the GIF!)
    I have to start off this post by saying that I desperately wanted to be at FYF this weekend, and I am kind of jealous of everybody else who got to go. How many times do you have the opportunity to see both Phoenix and The Strokes–two of my favorite bands–play on the same weekend?  I went last year and had a blast, but I didn’t have the money to buy tickets when they went on sale this year. I also couldn’t justify putting that purchase on my credit card because I’m trying to be a responsible adult (trying is the keyword in this sentence). But I can’t complain about missing out on a music festival when, this year, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to new cities to visit some of my most beloved friends. It is also easier to fight the urge to buy concert tickets with my concert buddies no longer around–you know who you are, and I miss you all!
    While I wasn’t at FYF this year, I managed to do some much-needed organizing. I spent most of Saturday cleaning out my closet and reorganizing my room.  The main reason that I wanted to organize my closet is because I keep trying to convince myself that I need new clothes, even though I have more than plenty of things to wear. Sometimes it seems much easier to go out and buy something new instead of taking the time to look through what you already have. But, in cleaning up the clutter in my closet, I’ve realized that I have a habit of doing that with many things in my life. I have a tendency to ignore matters that are pressing simply because I don’t want to deal with them, and take the easy way out by looking for a new and temporary solution. That is why I feel like I’m making progress when I actually make the effort to have some sort of structure in my workplace and in my home. Even if clutter manages to reappear a few weeks later, I at least have a moment where I feel like I somewhat have my life together.
    I didn’t spend all my weekend cleaning, though. Sunday was a great day because I went out for lunch with my Mom, my sister Sarah, and my brother David. After lunch, we spent some time walking around Old Pasadena and it was really fun. My Mom and I kept trying to take family photos, but Sarah and David just weren’t having it. I had to beg my brother until he finally agreed to take ONE picture with me. I guess the rest of the members of my family aren’t as obsessed with documenting every second of their life as I am. But, you have to have a way to remember all the good times you’ve spent together, right?
    As always, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and letting me get away with not talking about my outfit. I hope that you all have an amazing week!
    Helen Grace
    Don’t forget to enter my Raina Roo Giveaway down below! I’m giving away the two headbands below to one lucky winner.

    a Rafflecopter giveaway