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Pasadena City Hall


    “There’s No Place Like Home”

    There's No Place Like Home- Pasadena, CA
     Photos by: Sarah Veyna
     Outfit Details:
    H&M Sunglasses | Pleated Dress in Beige (Old) | Crop Top in Polka Dots (Old)
    Dolce Vita Sandals | Crocheted Purse w/bottle caps (Handmade by my Grandmother) | Target Earrings (Old)

    This weekend my sister and I went to get boba at Flour and Tea and afterwards we made a stop at Pasadena City Hall, my favorite building in my hometown of Pasadena. If you are a Parks and Recreation fan like I am, you may notice that this also happens to be the facade for Pawnee City Hall on the show. I’ll stop at that fact because I can already see my friends giggling in my head–I’ve lived in Pasadena for most of my life and can go on-and-on about how much I love the city. It’s funny, though, because I never truly appreciated how wonderful it was until I left for college and realized that not every hometown is as special as mine. In the famous words of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz: “There’s no place like home.”

    Pasadena City Hall is such a beautiful building and on the weekends it’s always filled with wedding
    parties, and the like, trying to take pictures. On this particular weekend the building wasn’t as busy so we had the opportunity to take a couple of photos.

    Since I’m still fairly new to blogging, I must say that one of the things I appreciate about starting this blog is that it has inspired me to find new ways to wear the clothes that I already have. I’ve had both this crop top and this pleated dress for almost two years, and I’ve only worn each item no more than twice. It was extremely fun to dig up these two items from my closet and come up with a new way to style them.

    This is my only post this week because tomorrow I’m headed to Austin to visit my friend Carly. I cannot wait to see my friend Carly and spend time with her, and to get to explore the lovely City of Austin. I am also very excited about this trip because I decided late last year that 2014 was going to be the year of travel for me, and this trip is my first step towards making that happen. Wish me luck!