
Railroad Stripes and Sneakers

How to wear adidas Stan Smith Sneakers with skirts

Since I got rid of my car soon after moving to Portland, I do a lot of commuting and walking on a daily basis. Therefore,  I need a pair of shoes that are both cute and comfortable enough for running all over town. That’s where these adidas Stan Smith sneakers come into play. I love that this classic shoe has been trending for the past year because it’s just so versatile! It allows me to easily add a sporty and casual vibe to outfits that I normally wear.

For example, I would usually wear this skirt with a pair of sandals for a cute summer look. However, these Stan Smith sneakers work just as well, especially on days when I want to be more active. Plus, they look equally cool with summer dresses. I’m looking forward to wearing these Stan Smith sneakers with this dress and a denim jacket once the weather starts too cool down.

Adidas Stan Smith Sneakers and Mini Skirt

Fine Life Co. Suprlice Top, Madewell Railroad Stripe Skirt and adidas Stan Smiths

Railroad Stripe Skirt and Black Surplice Top

Black surplice top, Railroad Stripe skirt from Madewell and Stan Smith sneakers adidas Stan Smith Sneakers and Railroad Stripe Skirt

In non-outfit related news, I can’t believe that summer is almost over. I feel like there are so many things that I still want to do before it ends, including fitting in multiple trips to the beach. That’s going to be quite the challenge since I don’t have a car. Therefore, Portland friends, if you’re reading this, please let me hitch a ride with you next time you’re on your way to the coast!

However, I haven’t completely let this summer go to waste. I’ve been taking advantage of my free time to start working on projects I haven’t had time to do while I was in school these past two years. I’ve slowly started getting back into my arts and crafts hobby, and am looking forward to sharing some projects with you all soon. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a preview in my story of the kitty jewelry dishes that I made this past weekend. I’m also looking forward to using the last few weeks of summer to expand my skills set, such as getting better at Photoshop and sewing.

What are some fun things you all hope to accomplish before summer ends?

*Photos by Ale Veyna

Shop this look…

Madewell Halliday Sunglasses | Fine Life Co. Surplice Top (Similar here and here) | Madewell Railroad Stripe Skirt | adidas Stan Smith Sneakers  

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