Sharing my resolutions on this blog worked out really well for me in
2015, so I’m doing it again this year. It was really awesome to be able to look back on my resolutions for the year and see what I had accomplished, as well as remind myself as to why I set out to pursue certain goals. Let’s hope I can say the same thing for 2016! Here are my goals for the year:
Take care of my mental health and practice self-care. I want to set the intention to make time to take care of myself whenever I’m feeling down or stressed out. I also want to carve out time to just focus on myself, whether it be by taking a bubble bath, practicing yoga or writing in a journal.
Practice better time management. I’ve always been a go-with-the-flow type of person, but I’ve realized that I need to start putting things in a calendar if I’m going to be able to deal with everything that is on my plate in 2016. While it’s hard to build new habits, I’m going to try my best to stick to this goal.
Make new friends/date. My goal is not necessarily to be in a relationship this year, but to make the effort to put myself out there. If anything, I hope that it will allow me to get to know Portland a bit better than I currently do. While I’m not planning to document my dating adventures on this blog, I figure I’d put the intention out there so that I can hold myself more accountable.
Take better care of my body. When it comes to this goal, I’ll be happy if I simply manage to eat more veggies. Now that I’m getting older, I’ve realized that I need to be more mindful about the things that I put in my body. I’m looking forward to experimenting with recipes and finding new ways to incorporate vegetables into my daily diet. I also want to get back into an exercise routine, since I haven’t been very good about working out since I started grad school. Lastly, I want to make sure I get more sleep in than I have these past few months.
Shop responsibly. While my budget doesn’t always allow me to purchase items that are fair-trade or help the environment, I want to make sure that I do so whenever possible. Just like last year, I want to continue to focus on shopping less and spending more money on quality pieces.
Add variety to this blog. This is one resolution that I failed at last year. While I did publish the occasional recipe and DIY tutorial, most of the content on this blog consisted of personal style posts. I want to make an effort to change that this year and really use this space to its full potential.
Make time to disconnect. I want to spend less time in front of my phone and away from social media, and more time connecting with family and friends.Thanks for reading through my goals for this year. Is there anything in particular you want to accomplish in 2016?