
My Running Journey: 3 Lessons I’ve Learned from Being a Runner

Running Journey - Outdoor Voices Leggings

Some of you may have noticed that I have disappeared from this blog in the past few months. While I made a resolution to do more writing for fun in the new year, I’ve struggled to do so. This is mostly because I’ve had to reserve much of that creative energy to tackle other projects in my professional life.

That doesn’t mean this year hasn’t involved plenty of fun adventures outside of work. To balance a busy start to the year, I’ve been scheduling time away from the screen and rediscovering my love of running, a pastime I’ve had difficulty sticking with ever since moving to Portland. However, I committed to changing that this year and have been logging in plenty of miles.

My goal initially was to complete my second half marathon, which I did last month. But I was so thrilled with my progress that I decided to sign up for my very first ever marathon in July. I figured what’s another 13.1 miles?

All jokes aside, embarking on this new challenge has reminded me of why running is so important to me. And since this hobby has been taking up much of my time, today I thought I’d share a few lessons I’ve learned from my running journey.

Perseverance Goes a Long Way

Before I started taking running seriously, it was never something I thought I could do. I remember barely passing the 10-minute mile test in P.E. without feeling like I was out of breath. I thought my lack of stamina was a sure sign that running simply wasn’t for me. The problem wasn’t that I didn’t want to run, but that I exhibited this attitude toward any activity I didn’t immediately excel at.

Little did I know the lesson in perseverance I would learn when I decided to give running another try after graduating from undergrad. A few of my coworkers were training for races at the time and I was inspired by their progress. I decided to jump on the bandwagon because I was also looking for a way to be active without shelling out money for a gym.

Maybe it was the fact that I had nothing to lose, but I had a completely different attitude this time around. I started off my running journey running just a few blocks and adding more distance each week. My gradual progress motivated me to keep going and make it past the finish line in my first half-marathon. Years later, I continue to see how this change in mindset has helped me be more outgoing and ambitious when it comes to pursuing new goals.

Appreciate Your Body for What It Can Do

Although I aim to be a champion for body positivity, I don’t always follow my own advice. I’m definitely guilty of being very critical of my body and having low self-esteem. Thankfully, my running journey has empowered me to adopt a more positive mindset.

In order for me to give running my all, I need to get enough fuel and rest. Therefore, I’m less focused on molding my body to fit an ideal and more on helping it be strong. Seeing my body take me to new places is also a constant reminder to be proud of what I can achieve.

Tillamook National Forest Oregon

Making Time to Reflect Can Help You Feel Happy and Balanced

I love my long distance runs because they give me time and space to be alone with my thoughts. I’ve recently started going on trail runs near my house and being in nature has been a game changer. Running in the woods gives me the quiet space I need to meditate and think through my week.

I’m generally a very anxious person and the smallest things can occupy my thoughts for days, even weeks. Going on long nature runs enables me to work out what’s bothering me and then let it go. Through this practice, I’ve learned to appreciate the benefits making time to reflect can have on my mental health.

While going for a run can’t make my problems disappear, I always come back with a sense of clarity. I have a new perspective on how to approach any challenges affecting me and start off my week feeling more energized, happy and optimistic.

It’s been very fun rediscovering and falling in love with my hobby all over again. I believe that are always lessons to be learned from finding something you enjoy doing just because. I hope this post inspires you to do the same or finally try an activity you’ve been eyeing for a while. And, if you want to keep up with my running journey, follow me on Instagram to see what new places I discover on foot each week.

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