    Beauty, Food & DIY, Outfit, Travel

    Farewell, 2014!



    For those of you who survived the endless scrolling, thank you so much for following along this year. If you happened to miss any of these posts and you want to check them out, you can click the picture to link back to the original post.
    Although 2014 was full of many changes, it was a good year for me. I have to admit that the beginning of this year was kind of rocky for me for many reasons. It seemed like many of my friends were moving away all at the same time, I was having several doubts about my career and life goals, and just feeling very stuck. I started this blog as a way to keep me from becoming a recluse, like I usually do when I’m feeling anxious about life, and it has definitely helped me with that. I’m a very private person and have always been afraid to put my work out there out of fear of what others might say, but your kind words and support have been very encouraging to me in my efforts to be more adventurous. Thanks to this blog, in the past year I went on trips to Austin and Portland, worked on many creative projects, started working on developing my personal style, opened up an Etsy Shop, and had an outlet for me to express my thoughts.
    I have many goals for this blog in 2015, and I’m very excited to work towards accomplishing them. One of my goals is to use this blog to grow my skills set; I want to become a better photographer, learn new crafts, master the basics of coding HTML and CSS, and work towards better optimizing and monetizing this blog. I also want to diversify the type of content that appears on this blog; although I love putting together outfit posts, I also want to work on more DIY, decor, recipe, travel and inspiration posts in the upcoming year. Basically, I want to truly make this the lifestyle blog that it is meant to be.
    Again, thank you so much for your continued support and Happy New Year!



    Lumberjack Vibes

    Photos by Sarah Veyna
    Outfit Details:
    Urban Outfitters Plaid Flannel
    Madewell Leather Bag
    Caged Booties via Ideeli
    The weather has been much cooler than usual here in California and it’s been difficult finding things to wear. Since this type of weather only last for a month or two, every year I forget to buy appropriate clothing. In order to survive the cold, every day I end up wearing the same 3 sweaters, and about 5 layers of my warm weather clothes. However, since I’m thinking about moving to a state where you can actually notice the changes in the season, I’m slowly trying to build up my cold-weather wardrobe. Luckily for me, my sister gifted me this beautiful plaid flannel for Christmas. It’s really comfortable, and it definitely does a great job at keeping me warm without the need of any additional layers. Another thing that I love about this plaid flannel is that it has a cool, casual and outdoorsy lumberjack vibe to it.
    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and happy holidays, if you happen to participate in the festivities during this time of year. I had 4 days off of work, including the weekend, and I’m not ready to go back today. Many of my friends are in the area during this time of year, and all I want to do is hang out with them and drink coffee all day long. Luckily for me, I only have to work two days out of the week and then I get another short vacation.

    Keepin’ Things Comfortable

    Photos by Sarah Veyna
    Outfit Details:
    JewelMint Necklace
    Oversized Cardigan
    Old Navy Chambray Shirt
    Madewell Wool Trousers




    Although this is my first year documenting my outfits, it’s really interesting to look at old pictures and see how my style has evolved over time. When you look at pictures of me in high school, you can tell that I was very self-conscious and didn’t feel comfortable with my body. I went through a phase of only wearing oversized clothing because I wanted to hide my body, and then went to the opposite extreme and only wore things that were too tight on my body, because that’s what I thought you had to do to appear feminine. Even though my insecurities didn’t immediately disappear when I entered college, it was then that I started to feel more comfortable with playing around with my style and experimenting with different looks. Through that experimentation, fashion became something that was fun for me, and I came to realize that it doesn’t have to involve me trying to fit into a certain mold.
    This outfit is one that doesn’t make me feel like I’m trying too hard, but that still shows off my personal style. I love that it combines some of my favorite pieces, such as this oversized sweater that has become a cold weather staple for me these past few years, and that you’ve already seen me wearing a couple of times. Another thing that I really love about this look is that it has a nice balance of feminine and masculine pieces, which is something that I want to continue to play with as my style evolves. The trousers and chambray shirt give this ensemble a very relaxed feel, but the clogs and necklace add a very girly touch. I think that it’s needless to say that I still have a long way to go before I can really define my style, but I’m definitely making progress in feeling more comfortable with it.
    I’m curious, how has your own personal style changed over the years? Was there ever a time when you didn’t feel comfortable with your style?